Friday, May 13, 2011

Redirection that works

Content administrators needed a way to control the URL to their external web application and be able to edit/show a maintenance message when the application was down for updates.

I created a new content type with a CCK link field for the URL and a single on/off check box for the administrator to turn the maintenance message on or off. The maintenance message lived in the default title and body.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MySQL crashed and nodes display "n/a"

MySQL crashed due to a lack of hard drive space. More hard drive space was allocated and MySQL was restarted. For a moment, the site appeared to be fine. A minute later, everywhere a node was suppose to display, "n/a" appeared instead.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pathauto Bug: "Array" in the URL alias

I discovered a bug using Pathauto 6.x-1.5. When I would save a Page node with the URL path settings set to Automatic alias, the URL alias would insert "Array" instead of the token I assigned. When I reverted back to Pathauto 6.x - 1.4, the problem disappeared.